Volume 4, Issue 3 (2020)                   2020, 4(3): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Al-Zahra University
2- Islamic Education Department, Theology Faculty, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (4353 Views)
Introduction: Spiritual health is one of the four dimensions of health and has been considered by scholars for almost half a century. This dimension of health that directly affects the lifestyle of man has been consider and emphasized in all religious and divine teachings since the beginning of creation. Although, before a century ago, the definition of health was limited to human physical, psychological, and social issues, but from about fifty years ago, the World Health Organization urged attention to the spiritual dimension in defining health along with physical, psychological and social dimensions. The necessity of discussing spiritual well-being occurs when the cause of many mental illnesses, and even physical and physical problems, is related to the lack of spiritual health; in Islam, the guidance and adjustment of emotional desires is a factor in achieving perfection, the tendencies that are useful for health in general, but excessive attention makes people away from the right path. One of the obstacles to the realization of human spiritual well-being in the Holy Qur'an is the malignant trait of suspicion, which this essay describes in detail the nature of the components as well as the practical ways of treating it in the Quran and narratives. The need for research in this subject becomes clear when this deadly disease not only targets the human soul but also threatens the health of the body. Because "morality in the school of Islam is not only intentional and internal thought, and it is not only action and physical activity, but a continuous flow that begins from thought and ends by action.
Conclusion: In the Holy Quran, regarding the provision, maintenance, and promotion of spiritual health and obstacles to its achievement and solutions to these barriers, there are many guidelines that the their upholding and practicing in human life can provide peace and comfort and maintain the spiritual health of man. Concerning the issue discussed in this study that is about one of the obstacles to realizing human access to spiritual well-being -suspicion- in Qur'an and narrations, a practical remedy is presented
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/06/19 | Accepted: 2019/12/4 | Published: 2020/01/27

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